Solutions to a problem can mostly be divided in two categories: Short-term, and Long-term. Both are useful ways of thinking, depending on the situation. The first means we’ve solved it… Continue reading The Future Is Now
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Here To Fail
Most of us have been schooled to fear failure. Having low grades means that we will not pass the exam, we will not go to college, we will not have… Continue reading Here To Fail
The Selfish Self. Your Best Self.
Take care of yourself. So you can take care of others. And so they don’t have to take care of you. So you can create something that makes the world… Continue reading The Selfish Self. Your Best Self.
Look Closer
Do you ever look at something and think“Someone Made This” Realizing then, that a thing is made of smaller things, each taken care of, so that the whole can exist.… Continue reading Look Closer